2019, October, Volume 9-Number 4 December 9, 2019Author name : | K.Kuganesan , Dr. (Mrs) Bhavani.Ahilan, Dr. Sivapalan, Dr. Sabaananth | ||||
Page no : | 33-39 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 4 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
K. Kuganesan1 , Dr. (Mrs) Bhavani Ahilan2, Dr. Sivapalan3, Dr. Sabaananth 4
1 Jaffna Central College Sri Lanka,
2 Sports Science Unit , University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
3 Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
4 Sports Science Unit , University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Anaerobic power enables body to function without oxygen at maximum intensity. The purpose of the study was to ascertain anaerobic power on endurance performance of Sri Lankan school zonal endurance athletes. Fourteen (N=14) endurance athletes have been assigned for this study from Jaffna Central College, their age ranges between 16y to 20y. Running based anaerobic sprint (RAST) was administered to measure anaerobic power such as maximum power (MA.P), minimum power(MI.P), average power(AV.P) and fatigue index(FI). Endurance performance was measured by time trail test of 800M and 1500m. The Pearson’s Correlation Coefficienent was employed to find out level of correlation. Correlation probability level was fixed at 0.05level. Results revealed that MI.P had positive correlation with 1500M performance(r=0.90). Other of variables have shown negative correlation with MA.P(r=-0.86),AV.P(r=-0.87),FI(r=-0.540). 800M performance had negatively correlated with MA.P(r=-0.570), MI.P(r= -0.580), AV.P(r=-0.612), FI=(r=-0.756). Study concluded that anaerobic power and fatigue index should be improved for Sri Lankan school zonal endurance athletes.
Key words- Maximum power, minimum power, average power, fatigue index.
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