2019, July, July, Volume 9-Number 3 September 18, 2019Author name : | Maryam shahzamani | ||||
Page no : | 01-07 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 3 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451,DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2019-24439755/
Maryam shahzamani 1
1 Ph.D. student , Department of Physical Education,. Mysore university , Maysore (Karnataka)
The purpose e of this study was to assess the effect of exercise therapy for improvement of abdominal muscles strength. The data were considered in relation to recommended levels of exercise therapy can be effective helping to improve abdominal muscle’s strength in middle aged male who had hyper lordosis deformity. 20 middle ages male.10 were experimental group (affected by hyper lordosis deformity with lower back pain) and 10 were control group (affected by hyper lordosis with lower back pain). The sample was collected through non- random sampling method. To assess the strength of the abdominal muscles, two tests were used to evaluate the subjects before (pretest) the beginning of the program, the first and the last of each month (posttest). the push up test is used as a general test of strength. The results of the study revealed that most of the middle age male were found under excellent category in abdominal muscular strength. William exercises therapy had positive effect on Abdominal muscular strength of middle aged male from pretest to post test after three month. Dissimilarity in abdominal muscular strength among middle aged male of experimental and control group was observed after implication of three month William exercises therapy.
Keywords: William exercises, hyper lordosis, lower back pain. Muscular strength.
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