2019, July, July, Volume 9-Number 3 September 18, 2019Author name : | Biswabandhu Nayek and Dr. Malay Kumar Mukhopadhyay | ||||
Page no : | 20-26 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 3 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2019-42775495/
Biswabandhu Nayek1 and Dr. Malay Kumar Mukhopadhyay2
1 Ph. D. Scholar, West Bengal State University, Barasat, West Bengal, ( India); email-bandhu992@gmail.com
2Asst. Professor, P.G.G.I.P.E, Banipur, North 24 Pgs. West Bengal (India)
Aerobic or anaerobic training programmed has influence on the blood hematology on human body. There is every possibility to differ in the blood hematology of human due to any kind of training. Some studies indicated such changes. With this concept the researcher fixed up the purpose to determine the Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Training on Platelet Count of Middle Distance Runners. Fifteen middle distance runners (N=15) were selected as subjects and their age group ranging from eighteen to twenty two years for achieving the objectives. The experimental group was given aerobic and anaerobic exercises as treatment for three daysin a week in one session per day for twenty six (26) weeks. In the present study Platelet Count were measured in the SERUM Analysis Centre (P) Ltd laboratory at the beginning of the training (baseline data, BD) and at the end of each training phase (Preparatory Phase-I (PP-I) for 12 weeks, Preparatory Phase-II(PP-II) for 5 weeks, Competitive Phase-I (CP-I) for 5 weeks, Competitive Phase-II (CP-II) for 4 weeks. 5 milliliters of venous blood from right/left upper arm was collected for testing. The study was performed in (10/07/2017 to 07/01/2018) 90 minutes of all 78 training units were administered and supervised by the same instructor. The training programmed was scheduled at 7.00 am to 8.30 am each test was scheduled at the morning time of day (8.00am to 9.00am) analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the differences, if any, among the groups on selected Hematological variables during preparation to competitive period of middle distance runners. Whenever they obtained ‘F’ ratio was found to be significant the LSD test was applied as a post hoc test to find out the paired mean differences, if any. The 0.05 level of confidence was fixed as the level of significance. The result reveled that there was significant difference on Platelet Count on different phase.
Keywords: Aerobic exercises, anaerobic exercise, hematology, Training phase, Platelet Count.
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