2019, July, July, Volume 9-Number 3 September 18, 2019Author name : | V. A. M. Padma Kumari | ||||
Page no : | 42-47 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 3 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2019-16854721/
A. M. Padma Kumari1
1 Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh
School going children are a useful asset of any nation or community as they’re the longer term citizen. It is fundamental to take care of their intelligence and health. There must be an attempt to channelize their power accurately. Yogic practices are enormously impressive to manage them. For a healthy functioning of all the tissues and organs as good as for a healthful intellect, follow of Yoga is one of the excellent methods. The present study is a try and imbibes in students the values of self discipline, oneness with nature, introspection and peaceful co-existence. The study has its mere focal point on the area of early age stress in students, declining of concentration levels, day-to-day well being problems and environmental factory including on all these. The study has the target of early development of fundamentals to create a coordinated synergism, peaceful and a more nourished soul. It may be concluded that commonplace observe of Yoga, including asana, Pranayama and meditation, has brought confident upgrades in self-discipline, team work, conduct and sharing, besides eating addiction of the tuition going school children.
Key words: Yoga, School, Children, Exercise, Health, Self-discipline
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