2019, April, Volume 9-Number 2 May 9, 2019Author name : | Arun Kumar Yadav, Dr. Rajkumar Sharma & Dr. Yuwraj Shrivastava | ||||
Page no : | 93-98 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Arun Kumar Yadav1, Dr. Rajkumar Sharma2 & Dr. Yuwraj Shrivastava3
1 Ph. D. Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Dr. C. V. Raman University, Kota Road, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)
2 Chief Coach,-Gymnastics, Sports Authority of India, STC Exr. Dhar, Malhar Ashram, Rambagh, Indore (M.P.)
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Dr. C. V. Raman University, Kota Road, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)
The purpose of the study was to analyse and investigate the job satisfaction of sport coaches in the urban Colleges and Universities of Varansi region. Thirty Five ( Males= 23, Females=12) coaches from colleges and universities located in urban region of Varanasi district . were selected as the sample for the study. The MSQ was used to measure job satisfaction. It is a gender neutral instrument that can be administered to either groups or to individuals. The instrument utilizes 20- dimension Likert-type scale format and samples both intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcement dimensions with a total of 100 items. To assess the personal and educational characteristics of male and female coaches, the numbers and percentages of male and female coaches were disaggregated and tabulated by the five demographic variables. To assess the frequencies of response for each of the 5 response options on the MSQ Likert Scale were analyzed. The results of the study revealed that coaches of different games and sports were satisfied in Policies, compensation, and responsibility and slightly Satisfied in rest of the dimensions of Job satisfaction. The sport coaches of both sex had a specialize diploma in coaching.
Keywords: Male, Female, Sport, Coach, Job, Satisfaction, Uttar pradesh.
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