2019, April, Volume 9-Number 2 May 9, 2019Author name : | Maryam Shahzamani & Dr. D. S. Madialagan | ||||
Page no : | 68-82 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/05.2019-57437953/
Maryam Shahzamani 1 & Dr. D. S. Madialagan 2
1 Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education,, University of Mysore, Mobile-9359497276
2 Department of physical education and sports science, sports Pavilion, University of Mysore , Mobile-9740231972
Importance of this article is knowing about human back and lumbar spine. This article answer to important questions such as what is lordosis deformity? How lordosis deformity is happening? What is exercise therapy and William exercise? How William exercise effect on pain in lordosis deformity. The peruse of this study was to assess the effect of exercise therapy for reduce pain in lower back. The data were considered in relation to recommended levels of exercise therapy can be effective helping to reduce pain in middle aged women who had hyper lordosis deformity. level of participation in twelve week William exercises were explored. The participants in this study were 20 middle ages women.10 were experimental group (affected by hyper lordosis deformity with lower back pain) and 10 were control group (affected by hyper lordosis with lower back pain). The sample was collected through non- random sampling method. Mc gill questioner pain was used to measure participants (only experimental group). Through the spss software the following results were concluded. The result showed experimental group that did William exercises have significantly pain reduction. Pain Rating Index 0 = no pain, Pain-free , 1 = mild, Pain is very mild, barely noticeable , 2 = moderate, it can’t be ignored for more than a few minutes , 3 = severe, pain that dominates your senses and significantly limits your ability to perform normal daily activities.
Keywords: William exercise, hyper lordosis, lower back pain.
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