2019, April, Volume 9-Number 2 May 9, 2019Author name : | Maxia B. Fernandes, Dr Mahesh N. Deshpande & Dr V. Basil Hans | ||||
Page no : | 99-106 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/05.2019-26327153/
Maxia B. Fernandes1, Dr Mahesh N. Deshpande2 & Dr V. Basil Hans3
1 The King’s School Goa, and M.Phil Scholar, Agashe College, Pune.
2 Professor, Chandrashekhar College of Physical Education, Pune.
3 Associate Professor & HOD of Economics, St Aloysius Evening College, Mangalore. vhans2011@gmail.com. (Corresponding Author).
This research aimed at studying the effect of Jump Rope program on the fitness of the elementary students, and to compare pretest and posttest scores of the subjects participating in this study. A group of 37 students participated in the study from The King’s School, Goa where the school was selected using the non-probable technique, and the students were selected using a convenient method. Three fitness tests were conducted pre and post Jump Rope program for 12 weeks. The three tests were nine min. R/W test, one-minute sit-ups test and standing broad jump test. To determine the difference between the pretest and posttest, paired sample ‘t’ test was used. There was a positive effect found on the pretest and posttest.
Keywords: Cardiovascular Endurance, Fitness, Jump Rope Program.
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