2019, April, Volume 9-Number 2 May 9, 2019Author name : | Shakti Shrivastava | ||||
Page no : | 07-11 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Shakti Shrivastava1
1 Assistant Professor, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam University, Indore (M.P.) Mob: 9424737555
Achievement motivation is an individual’s urge to achieve something in their life. It is the driving force which makes an individual feel like attaining some situations or achieve something in turn give satisfaction. It is a broader theme that focuses on how specific situations influence their desires, emotions and behaviours. Those who are motivated by achievement tend to plan their activities well because their activities are aimed at a particular target and they want to achieve it at any cost. Their plan will be accurate and well designed. A person motivated by achievement would probably choose something of moderate difficulty because it will help them to attain the aim at a reduced risk level. The purpose was the study to know the quality of Achievement sports motivation. For this purpose Legend cricketer Mohammad Kaif selected as a subject of the study. To know that quality, researcher applied questionnaire to him which was developed by M.L. Kamlesh (1990) Results of he study revealed a moderate level of sports achievement motivation among Legend cricketer Mohammad Kaif . He possesses lot of patience and perseverance. He also motivates younger players inside or outside the game.
Keywords: Achievement, Motivation capability, Cricket, Review.
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