2019, Volume 9-Number 1, January, 2019 April 15, 2019Author name : | Pankaj Kumar1 & Dr. B.John 2 | ||||
Page no : | 12-15 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/04.2019-29128933/
Pankaj Kumar1 & Dr. B.John2
1 Research Scholar, Deptt. of Physical Education, Dr. CV Raman University,Kargi Road, Kota, Bilaspur (C.G.)
2 Associate Professor, Deptt. of Physical Education, Dr. CV Raman University, Kargi Road, Kota, Bilaspur (C.G.)
The aim of the present study was to compare positive mental health of tribal and non-tribal adolescent boys of Bihar. This study was carried out on 200 tribal and 200 non-tribal adolescent boys of Bihar. Tribal adolescent boys were selected from from Bathudi, Binjhia, Birjia and Chik Baraik tribes of Bihar. The age range of selected subjects was between 14 to 17 years. To assess positive mental health of selected subjects, three dimensional positive mental health inventory namely self acceptance, ego strength and philosophy of life prepared by Agashe and Helode (2007) was preferred. The data pertaining to positive mental health between two study groups was assessed with the help of independent sample ‘t’ test. It was found that positive mental health of non-tribal adolescent boys was far superior as compared to tribal adolescent boys. It was concluded that positive aspect of mental health is still lacking in tribal adolescent boys and needs to be enhanced so as to increase their quality of life.
Keywords: Adolescent, Positive mental health, Tribal, Non-tribal.
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