2019, Volume 9-Number 1, January, 2019 April 15, 2019Author name : | Dr. Zahoor Ahmad Mir 1, Mohmad Iqbal Para 2 & Ajaiz Ahmad Ganie 3 | ||||
Page no : | 16-21 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/04.2019-73912739/
Dr. Zahoor Ahmad Mir 1, Mohmad Iqbal Para 2 & Ajaiz Ahmad Ganie 3
1 Contractual Lecturer, Govt, Degree College Baramulla J & K, (India). zahoor.mir82@gmail.com Corresponding Author:
2 Ph.D Scholor, Dr.Babasheb Ambedkhar University, Maharashtra, (India).
3 Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Central University Kashmir (India).
The present study is a comparative study on physical fitness level among urban and rural students of Kashmir. In this study total 60 subjects for the study in which 30 from urban and 30 rural players were randomly selected samples. The total physical fitness of rural and urban students of Kashmir and in sit ups on comparison of t-test was 3.4. While as the physical fitness of rural and urban students of Kashmir in standing broad jump on comparison of t-test were 0.04. While as the physical fitness of rural and urban students of Kashmir in speed on comparison of t-test were 4.07. The two t-test values are significant and one t-test value is insignificant at 0.04.
Keywords: Physical Fitness Test, Speed, Muscular Endurance, Power, Rural, Urban.
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