2019, Volume 9-Number 1, January, 2019 April 15, 2019Author name : | Ananthapadmanabha Prabhu1 | ||||
Page no : | 1-11 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Ananthapadmanabha Prabhu1
1 Research Scholar (Physical Education), Directorate of Distance Education, Dravidian University, Kuppam – 517 425: A.P Email:
This study examined the attitude of private aided high school boys towards physical education and sports of Mysore division. To fulfill this objective 480 private aided high school boys were studying in 8th, 9th and 10th Standard ranging 14-16 year old from eight districts of Mysore Zone of Karnataka State were selected as subjects. For collection of data researcher developed and standardised a questionnaire of “Attitude Scale toward Physical Education and Sports (ASTPES) for high school boys”, which consist of 40 questions, 8 questions each on five aspects such as Academic aspects, psychological aspects, General aspects, Social aspects, Health aspects. Data was tabulated and percentage on responses of subjects for each questions on different aspects were calculated and compared. Result says that, positive attitude shown towards physical education and sports in all aspects and also they viewed the emergency of drastic change in the physical education and sports curriculum and its implementation is needed at high school level to offer a complete education.
Keywords: Attitude; Physical Education and Sports; High School Boys; Private Aided School, Mysore Zone.
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