2018, Volume 8-Number 1 February 7, 2018Author name : | Mr. Kandasamy Kuganesan1 & Dr. (Mrs) Bhavani.Ahilan2 | ||||
Page no : | 01-06 | Volume : | 8 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Mr. Kandasamy Kuganesan 1 & Dr. (Mrs) Bhavani.Ahilan 2
1 Physical Education Teacher, Jaffna Central College, Sri Lanka
2 Senior Lecturer, Sports Science Unit, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
The purpose of the study was to examine the correlation between the anthropometrics and physical fitness variables among school talented untrained children. To achieve present study, under age of 14years 100 men untrained school children were assigned from Jaffna central college. Their anthropometrics variables such as height (HE), weight (WE), body mass index(BMI) were recorded before fitness test of a day. Physical fitness test were conducted to measure speed (SP), leg power (LP), upper body strength (US), agility (AG) & aerobic power(EN). Pearson coefficient correlation was administered to find out correlation between anthropometric and physical fitness variables. Result revealed following pair of anthropometric and physical fitness variables correlated each other such as WE & AG(r=0.365), BMI & AG (r=0.430), BMI & US (r=0.420), WE & US (r=0.397), HE & US (r=0.438). Remaining variables were not correlated with any anthropometric variables. Results revealed that anthropometric variables determine the upper body strength besides agility ability depends on weight and body mass index. Result concluded that which sports demand high upper body strength and agility in selection of players need to consider the characters of anthropometric variables for excellent performance.
Keywords: Anthropometrics, physical fitness, BMI, untrained school children , Men.
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