Volume 7-Number 4, October, 2017 November 5, 2017Author name : | Dr Rajkumar P Malipatil & Dr Savitri S Patil | ||||
Page no : | 32-36 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 4 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/11.2017-18644778/
Dr Rajkumar P Malipatil 1 & Dr Savitri S Patil 2
1 Asst Prof and Director of Sports, Dept of Physical Education, Akkamahadevi Women’s University, Vijayapur, Karnataka
2 Asst Physical Education teacher Government composite junior college Nagthan,Vijayapur, Karnataka
The study was carried out to assess the influence of locus of control on aggressive behaviour of sportsperson, To meet the objectives of the present study the data was collected at 63rd All India Inter University Athletics Championship held in January 2003 at Gulbarga University, Gulbarga by administering personal-bio-data schedule, aggressive and Locus of control was administered, the responses were scored and terminated as per the manual, after collecting data ‘t’ test was employed to assess the significant impact of locus of control on aggressive behaviour on aggressive behaviour of sportsperson, the calculated ‘t’ value was significant at table value at 0.05 level. The result has found that internal locus of control leads to control emotion and understand the situation in real sense with practical aspect, whereas external locus of control sportsperson would lose their temper and behaviour assertively without understanding the consequence, hence formulated hypothesises was tested and proved positively and drawn the conclusion that aggressive behaviour of sportsperson depends upon the beliefs system and mind state of the person.
Keywords: Locus of control. Aggressive behaviour, Sportsperson.
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