Volume 7-Number 4, October, 2017 November 5, 2017Author name : | Manjula Suri, Rekha Sharma, Namita Saini | ||||
Page no : | 23-31 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 4 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Manjula Suri 1, Rekha Sharma 2, Namita Saini 3
1 Department of Physiology and Promotive Health, University of Delhi, Institute of Home Economics,
2 Department of Physical Education, University of Delhi, Institute of Home Economics,
3 Department of Physical Education, University of Delhi, Institute of Home Economics, Hauz Khas, Delhi- 110016,
Physical inactivity is a commonly observed cause of increasing incidence of lifestyle diseases. As dancing is a physical activity that can be tailored to fit a target population’s age and culture therefore, zumba is becoming a global dance fitness activity to reduce lifestyle disease epidemic . It has a mixture of popular entertaining music, different dance styles and aerobic exercises which improves the health of all age groups. Thus, physiological effects of zumba can be used as an adjuncts to conventional medicine for prevention of various lifestyle diseases e.g. diabetics and obesity. Several neurological benefits of zumba have been identified which ranges from memory improvement to strengthened neuronal connections. Zumba is able to enhance cardio vascular endurance and cardio respiratory functions. It incorporates movement of large muscle groups for aerobic endurance, strength training and flexibility thereby contributing to improved health in all ages, especially in the geriatric population. It also maintains bone density and prevents osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Various researchers have recorded the positive effect of Zumba on weight, BMI, body fat mass, hormonal profile and reproductive function. Psychosocial aspect of health also shows encouraging results in Zumba intervention. To summarize, these findings reflect that Zumba intervention can be explored further as a therapeutic tool in Complementary and alternative medicine for improving health and preventing lifestyle diseases.
Keywords: Zumba, Musculoskeletal, Psychosocial, Geriatric, cardio vascular endurance.
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