Volume 7-Number 4, October, 2017 November 6, 2017Author name : | Dr. Shikha Tomar, Dr. Mukesh Yadav and Dr. Pooja Attrey | ||||
Page no : | 55-65 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 4 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Dr. Shikha Tomar 1, Dr. Mukesh Yadav 2 and Dr. Pooja Attrey 3
1 Consultant physiotherapist in Yamunanagar
2 Assistant Professor. TDTR DAV institute of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, Yamunanagar
3 Assistant Professor. TDTR DAV institute of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, Yamunanagar
Background : Several studies have studied the effect of external disturbances on postural stability. However spinal loading and its effects on dynamic posture have not been reported so far. Objective : To study the effect of backback on dynamic postural stability in young healthy individuals. Study Design :Observational study. Methodology : 85 healthy, young adults (female, male) fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were recruited. SEBT was performed with backpack worn on high spinal level on 3 consecutive days with 20% , 10% and without weight. The maximum excursion distance were recorded in 3 excursion directions which are Anterior(A), posteromedial (PM) and posterolateral (PL) directions. Data Analysis : : was done by using SPSS version 16. Tukey’s method was used for Pairwise comparison Result : The result of the study shows that Backpack has significant effect on Dynamic Postural stability. Dynamic Postural Stability affected more by Backpack weighing 20% BW than Backpack weighing 10% BW. Posterolateral Direction without weight has maximum excursion distance i.e. 123 cms.Conclusion: The study concluded that spinal loading significantly affects the postural stability.
Key words : Postural stability, backpack, SEBT, spinal loading.
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