Volume 7-Number 3, July, 2017 August 11, 2017Author name : | Jaswinder singh | ||||
Page no : | 59-65 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 3 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Jaswinder singh1
1 Assistant professor Baba Farid College Deon Bathinda (Pb)
The purpose of the study was to find out the socio-economic status effect on sport performance of Achiever and Non Achiever Shooters belong to Punjab State. Total 60 players simples (Non-achiever =30(below 8th Position Men and Women Pistol and Rifle),Non Achiever =30( (first 8 position Men and Women Pistol and Rifle)) Inter college level Shooters were taken from inter college Shooting tournament Punjabi university Patiala held at Punjabi University patiala. The Socioeconomic status questionnaire prepared and validated by Aghase and Helode (2002) was used for the purpose of data collection. To find out the significant effect of socioeconomic status on sport performance of Inter college level man/women and women shooters belong to Punjabi University Related Colleges, means, standard deviations and t-ratios were computed Results of the study indicated the positive socioeconomic status effect on the sport performance of Inter college level man/women and women shooters. Significance of difference was also observed in sport performance between Non Achiever and Achiever Shooters of high, mediocre and low socioeconomic status.
Keywords: Shooters, Socioeconomic Status, sport performance, Inter college level.
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