Volume 7-Number 3, July, 2017 July 12, 2017Author name : | Dr. Hasan Mehdi & Dr. Mohd. Wahid | ||||
Page no : | 09-12 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 3 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2017-15338599/
Dr. Hasan Mehdi1 & Dr. Mohd. Wahid2
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Maulana Azad Institute of Humanities Science & Technology , Mahmudabad, Sitapur.
2 Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, Halim Muslim P.G. College, Kanpur.
Background: Yoga is a very ancient exercise that originated in India. Yoga is viewed as a Physical, Mental and Spiritual discipline that confers a sound body and a sound mind. Regular practice of the yoga positions can result in plenty of benefits, including stimulation of the internal organs and improving blood circulation. Yogic activities provide benefits to the mind and body and bring about balanced energy flow. Many studies are conducted by various researches on yogic exercises and its effects on physical function and mental functions. The objective of the study is to improve the Aerobic capacity through yogic activities among college male students. It was hypothesized that yogic exercises would be development of Aerobic capacity. Materials and Methods: The purpose of the present study to find out the effect of yogic exercises for the development of Aerobic capacity among college male students of Mahmudabad, district sitapur. The sample for the present study consists of 40 male students of Maulana Azad Institute of Humanities Science & Technology, Mahmudabad, Sitapur. Out of which 20 are experimental group and 20 are controlled group. Their age ranged between 18 to 25 years. Yogic exercises were given to experimental group on alternate days i.e. three sessions per week and controlled group were given the general training of Physical exercises for six weeks. To assess the Aerobic capacity Pre-Test and Post-Test were conducted in Cooper’s 12-Minute Run Test to both groups. Results: It has been observed from the analysis of data that Aerobic capacity was improved within the experimental group.
Keywords: Yogic Exercises, Aerobic capacity and Physical Exercises.
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