Volume 7-Number 2, April, 2017 May 15, 2017Author name : | Chindu Mary Mathew ,Mrs. Anu Anns Pious, & Dr. Sheela Rosalyn | ||||
Page no : | 01-09 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05.2017-56531957 DOI Link ::
Chindu Mary Mathew 1,Mrs. Anu Anns Pious2, & Dr. Sheela Rosalyn3
1 Students (M.Sc.) Psychological Counseling, Institution: Indian Institution of Psychology and Research (IIPR) Bangalore (Karnataka).
2 Assistant Professor. Institution: Indian Institution of Psychology and Research (IIPR) Bangalore (Karnataka).
3 Assistant Professor. Institution: Indian Institution of Psychology and Research (IIPR) Bangalore (Karnataka).
The aim of the present study was to compare self-esteem among early adolescent athletes and non-athletes. Sport participation has been shown to positively influence self – esteem of early adolescent. This effect was measured in sample of early adolescents, with the effect of gender; participation and level of participation in sports were explored. The participants in this study were 187 early adolescent where 89 non-athletes (43 males and 46 females) and 98 athletes (51 males and 47 females) between in the Grades 5-8. The athletes are further divided into two groups of 50 recreational/ fun athletes and 48 competitive athletes. The sample was collected through non- random sampling method. Rosenberg scale of self – esteem was used to measure participants Self –esteem. Through the Descriptive statistics and Independent Sample t- Test the following results were concluded. The results showed the athletes have significantly higher self – esteem compared to non- athletes. Also, competitive athletes have higher self- esteem than recreational athletes. It was also found that there is no gender difference in self – esteem among early adolescent athletes.
Keywords: sports, self-esteem, type of participation, levels of participation.
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