Volume 7-Number 2, April, 2017 May 15, 2017Author name : | Kapil Kumar Sahu & Dr. Sudhir Rajpal | ||||
Page no : | 31-34 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.:05.2017-48993486 DOI Link ::http://doi-ds.org/doilink/05.2017-48993486/
Kapil Kumar Sahu1 & Dr. Sudhir Rajpal2
1 M.Phil. Student, Department of Physical Education, Dr. C.V. Raman University, Kota Bilaspur C.G.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Dr. C.V. Raman University, Kota Bilaspur C.G.
In the present study effect of one month yogic exercise program was observed on positive mental health of male sports persons. To conduct the study 100 intercollegiate male sports persons (Average age 21.32 years) from the state of Uttarakhand were selected as sample. The selected male sports persons were divided equally into experimental and control group. 50 male sports persons from experimental group took part in one month yoga program while subjects of control group did not take part in this program. To assess positive mental health of selected male sports persons just prior to commencement of study period and after completion of study period, Positive Mental Health Inventory prepared by Agashe and Helode (2007) were used. Result reveal that after taking part in one month yogic exercise program, the positive mental health of male sports persons enhanced significantly while no significant change was observed in positive mental health of male sports persons belonging to control group. It was concluded that one month yogic exercise program is beneficial for strengthening the positive mental health of male sports persons.
Keywords : Positive mental health, male sports persons, yoga
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