Volume 7-Number 2, April, 2017 May 15, 2017Author name : | Dr. S.V. Arun | ||||
Page no : | 16-22 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05.2017-98147554 DOI Link ::http://doi-ds.org/doilink/05.2017-98147554/
Dr. S.V. Arun1
1 Director of Physical Education, C. Kandaswami Naidu College for Men, Chennai – 600102.
The purpose of the study was to find the Effect of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar on selected psychological variables among college men Volleyball players. To achieve the purpose ninety inter collegiate men volleyball players aged between eighteen to twenty five were selected as subjects. The subjects were divided into three equal groups. Group I Undergone Yogasanas, Group II Undergone Suryanamaskar, Group – III acted as control group. The subjects were divided into three groups of 30 subjects each. The duration was restricted to six weeks and number of session confined to six days. The physiological variables like anxiety and negative feelings of Volley ball players found significant reduction due to Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar as compared to Control Group. The psychological variables like self concept and skill learning found significant improvement due to Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar. Pretest, Post test, Adjusted mean, “F” ratio and Scheffe’s test were used to analyze the data and level of confidence was set at 0.05.
Keywords: Yogasanas, Suryanamaskar, Anxiety, Self Concept, Volleyball players
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