Volume 7-Number 1, January, 2017 February 13, 2017Author name : | Dr. Anil Kumar & Dr . Sanjay Sharma | ||||
Page no : | 20-28 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 02.2017-41563499; DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2017-41563499/
Dr. Anil Kumar1 & Dr . Sanjay Sharma2
1Assistant Professor: Physical Education, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Delhi University.
2Assistant Professor: Physical Education, Himachal Pradesh University, Summer Hills, Shimla-5.
The purpose of the present study was to explore and compare the hidden sports talent in the rural and urban areas of Himachal Pradesh and to scout the explored hidden sports talent with respect to selected variables as per SAI norms. The sample of present investigation comprised of 360 school going boys of 14 years i.e.180 each from rural and urban areas of Himachal Pradesh. Anthropometric measurements i.e. height and weight and motor ability variables viz. speed, explosive leg strength, explosive arm and shoulder strength, agility, flexibility, explosive leg strength and extensibility of hip muscles and endurance were selected as the criterion measures for talent identification and comparison. Data regarding anthropometric and motor ability variables was assessed using SAI National Sports Talent Contest Battery. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted statistically by using the method of frequencies and percentages. The results of the investigation shows that on the selected talent scouting criterion measures, majority of the rural as well as urban area boys of Himachal Pradesh were found to have only three of the criterion measures viz .standard height, weight and agility according to SAI norms. Moreover, among the rural and urban area students, who were found to have criterion measures as per sports authority of india norms, it was also revealed that the majority of the explored hidden sports talent with respect to selected variables was found to be at satisfactory standard as per sports authority of india norms.
Keywords: Sports Talent, Talent Exploration, Sports Authority of India, National Sports Talent Contest Battery.
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